Saturday, 25 June 2011

I'm hoping for sunshine

today..actually while I'm doing my laundry..the shine for to today is not too bright..I'm very very know why? because, every time I'm doing my laundry..the clouds will thicken and then the rain will pour onto the earth..and as for me..I have to rush for my laundry..sedih kan? but I know..Allah knows what is the best for me (takkanlah kita taknak hujan and orang lain, tumbuhan, binatang and many more tak deserve hujan kan?)..probably He doesn't want me to fall asleep in my room and stay awake..because too much sleeping may lead to illness and sickness right? and I'm redha with that..alhamdulillah..(^_^)...

so as for today..the same thing happens..and again..I'm redha ......even the clouds are thickening..I decided to hang my clothes at the ampaian..I don't care..kalau hujan..I'll rush for my clothes lah kan? hehe..and after I hung up everything..I went for my Dhuha prayer (at that time..mmg dah gelap ..clouds dah tutup sunshine) my prayer..I said to God..'please grant my permission to dry my clothes today...and I'm hoping for the sunshine to shine again'.......


after usual..i will focus on my blog and Mr.Thesis.................while I am writing.......the shines  appear gradually....Ya Allah...Thank You Allah...Thank You Allah...Engkau Maha Mendengar..Maha Mengasihani..Maha Penyayang..Thank You Allah...masa tu..memang sangat speechless..subhanallah...alhamdulillah..and saya rasa sangat bersyukur untuk permintaan saya pada hari ini....GRANTED! (^_^)v..terus tanpa melengahkan masa..saya buat Sujud Syukur..tanda saya bersyukur pada Rahmat dan KurnianNya..




p/s: lepas ni saya nak doa untuk saya fcus dalam segala benda..especially Mr.The....(^_<)v

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