Saturday, 27 October 2012


when it comes to that two words,
it makes me wonder,
am i really the cause,
or is it me,
or whoever you are,
who just can't control yourself?
or is it me,
being the real cause?
always me,
and me,
and me,
and got humiliated.
'that' develops HATE.
1 thing as a reminder,
do not blame people,
do not pinpoint people,
coz the moment you are pinpointing people,
there are 9 other fingers which are pinpointing back to you and yourself.
those sentences,
are accumulated as 1 reminder.
that is the thing that i always keep as a reminder to myself.
talking about negativity,
when you are saying it 'it is not'.......................
actually, you are saying 'yes' to yourself,
so, please, don't,
coz, it portrays dissatisfaction,
coz in the end,
you might 'indirectly' confess it in front of others,
without you realizing and knowing that actually,
you uttered your sincere 'confession',
that's human,
tak lepas dari kesilapan...
and LOVE it...
coz not everyday is Sunday...

p/s: that's my share for today, what's yours? ^^

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