almost every month you'll be experiencing this kind of pain kan? it hurts right? i know the feelings, yup, because i'm an adult now, i wanna share with you some of the tips to prevent or reduce this pain during your monthly cycles. i do hope it works. hehe (^_^) insyaAllah.
- roasted almonds
- roasted cashew nuts
- chocolates
- soy bean drink (YEOS)
- warm water
yup! i tried all these during my first day. previously, a friend of mine told me to drink soy bean milk. because it helps to reduce muscle cramps. but i think the 'power' of that soy bean milk is not too strong (macam power rangers plak kan?) and thus, i tried to have more protein and calcium to reduce and ease this pain. and alhamdulillah it works, macam gone with the winds. hehe *imagination*
and of course, not to be forgotten, to walk around. jangan lompat lompat pulak, kang ada benda yang tertinggal (you know what i mean kan?). so now, you can try this out. and you know what? i finished eating everything i bought just now. weeehooooo. (kenyang sampai malam) hehe..
ok that's all for now. enjoy trying. (^_^)
TQ for reading
p/s: straight forward kan post kali ni? hehe..wait for tomorrow pulak ye?
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