Sunday, 8 January 2012

Worst Scenario Case Ever T_T

Diprogenta Cream, Applied. least scratching, Yes! Pantang? No. except for belacan. i ate chicken and fish. and the result is? come closer, take a look.....'s grown blister but thicker than the normal blister...

as you can see, this Subuh, the moment i woke up, i saw this on my middle finger. it's like a blister.the moment you touch it, it's really painful . it's itchy. i scratched it like...(couldn't be described) T_T

and the worst part is , the blister grown bigger and accumulated liquids. scary huh? previously, it spread, but still sticking on the skin's surface and never grew bigger. but, as for this case, i can even measure it! the height of my eczema is 3mm.! Wow! what a record! *claps*

but, dear eczema, please, don't grow any mm. anymore. it's painful. poking it is one of the best options, but the dermis is too thick. i think, i can't bear the pain. T_T. *tulis sambil air mata bercucuran* <- Obviously, I'm lying! hehe ^^

TQ for reading!

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