Tuesday 27 December 2011

To do list

Most of the items in my to do list have been discarded aka slashed!
*shiaaaauuuu* betul ke bunyi cenggituh? Hehe.. Well, as for certain
people, their to do list may last only for one day. But as for mine,
it lasts for about 45 days, perhaps? Hehe...

Actually, the content of my to-do list is mounting. Tones of works
before settling down. Phewwww! -_-" . I do pray as I'm working.
Because, I want Allah to grant and shower me with His blessings with
great health, great iman, best friends, spread more loves, and may
everything flow and run smoothly. InsyaAllah. Ameen ^_^.

That's all for today. Gotta sleep now. Will wake up later and date
with another tasks! Hehe.. I love dating with my tasks!

I'm no good, but I'm trying my best to be the one. With that,
xoxoxoxoxoxo. Morning sweethearts! (Instead of bidding goodnite

*dozing- off*

Sent from my mobile device

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