Monday 4 July 2011


alhamdulillah..after reading the articles, i now know the exact concepts of my thesis..before this, it seems like lingering around in my mind..and i can't figure it out.. now..i can extract it one by one..hopefully Allah will make it simpler for me..insyaAllah...*rabbi yassir wala tuassir* insyaAllah..the supposed due is just around the corner and it seems like a 'dead end' to me...TAKE IT or LEAVE IT..and i chose 'TAKE IT'! so the puzzle in my hand has to be solved and finished because i vowed 'I DO WANT TO COMPLETE THIS' ! i'm praying for the smoothness of my writing..because..the other aspects of life seperti mendekatiku..and i know..i have to face it..ya Allah..bagi aku kekuatan untuk tempuhi semua ini dan keimanan yang kental supaya aku tidak goyah dan tidak melupakan MU ..ameen..

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